Glimpses of happiness

I have recently returned from Japan after a month of interning in a company and I am in love with the country. I haven’t been this much in love with anything so far except trekking and one big reason why I love trekking is because no one known to me can contact me- absolutely cut-off. This might sound selfish or rude but it is what it is. Similar was with Japan is my guess. Being alone with no one known, no phone calls to answer, nothing to think or worry about, enjoy the work gave me such immense lightness which I cannot explain. I felt light on my feet, mind and emotions and for me that was happiness. This lightness was further taken to new levels by natural hot water springs (onsen). Now that I am back to India, stress is palpable to me. Just landing at India made me feel much heavier. My parents kept saying that I am back to my country but I wasn’t excited about it. Just 1 day after returning and I am back to feeling heavy/stressed as I was feeling before I left for Japan.


This makes me wonder what happiness or being at peace really is. I Continue reading