Glimpses of Happiness-II (also Credere Meus -IV)

I guess I have to reword from happiness to contentment. Happiness cannot be achieved. Contentment can be. Happiness is one extreme of a sinusoidal wave of our state. Contentment is a state that can be attained behind all that continuous crest and trough. Hence it is not glimpses of happiness but glimpses of contentment-II.

  • When you are not strained even when situation around you is not according to your liking.
  • When you continue doing what you intend to do with surety and awareness even when people or situations around you are not supportive of it.
  • When you feel rested even in the most chaotic of states. That state is where you do not think but only observe everything around and are acutely aware of your surroundings and self. It seems as if you are suddenly wide awake. When an event doesn’t feel like a hazy memory but throbs with dynamism. Rare phenomenon and overwhelming.
  • And, when your state of rest is not dependent on anyone else but is self-achieved and self-sustained.