Part-I, Cornerstone?

Trust, respect, loyalty, etc are commonly considered the cornerstone of relationships. Not just human relations but any kind of relation. Why?
Not only are these imposed upon people but are made to be strictly followed as well? Why? This has to thought about step by step. Starting with trust (It can similarly be extended for loyalty, respect, etc)

What is ‘trust’? Trust is believing that somebody will do something as per expectations. Those expectations could be from an individual or a group of people (which make up institutions like family, society, culture). Institutional expectations are usually called values. This means trust is adhering to certain expectations.

When does one break trust? When a person takes an action very different from a certain expectation(s), it is called as breaking trust.
Hence trust exists because expectations exist.

 Expectations (is the reason for the existence of) Trust

Now let us observe expectations.
Why does someone have expectations? Continue reading

Part-II, Cornerstone.

This is a continuation of the previous blog where the self is established. Now the question arises that why does this kind of ‘self’ arise?

What will make us humans then? What differentiates us from animals?

Not stronger ties, not more hoarding or permanent hoarding but being able to see that we have an animal tendency to hoard. This is where awareness comes into the picture. Humans are the only species that is capable of self-awareness. We are capable of seeing our base tendencies play out. This is what differentiates us from animals. Not becoming better animals by adding complexities to those tendencies but by being able to see that we are adding complexities to our base instincts. Continue reading