What we are

It takes a remarkable depth of
effort to recognise effort;
beauty to find beauty;
pain to see pain;
genius to perceive genius;
humility to see humility.

It takes a profound breadth of
ugliness to find ugly;
shallow to meet shallow;
pettiness to behave pettily;
hatred to spread hate;
pride to see pride.

It takes an abundance of
anything to see it in others;
To have it within us
to find it in others;
To see in others
is to see in us.

We need to have it in self
to see it in others;
that malice, that violence,
that brilliance, that piety.
What we are is what we see
in ourselves, in others.


There was once a man who wanted to be great,
great in the eyes of others, great in his own eyes.

So august, so unlimited, that he fixed everyone else around him.
Bound them to himself, bound them with himself.

He applied his ideas upon them, enforced his thoughts upon them,
He imposed his experience upon them, imposed his greatness upon them.

Advised them to be like him, advised them to do his bidding,
Tutored them about the ways of the world, counseled them to act like him.

He morphed himself into a figure of his own belief,
In an expectation of excellence which he knew only in his limitations.

He molded others around him in his limits,
Devoid others of their own infinite, devoid himself of his own infinite.

He finally became great, a restricted greatness it was,
surrounded by boundaries of his own imposition,

His power was fragile, brittle, and weak,
his power felt powerless, with many, at many times.
He still didn’t feel immense despite such control,
such greatness he had, such power he would yield.

He wondered what could have gone wrong, he wondered what he didn’t manage.
That’s when it occurred to him, that he was fiercely controlled.

Continue reading

Yours and Mine

Your god is everything that
you don’t understand,
you wouldn’t accept,
you deny to yourself and,
you deny to others.
Your god is mystical,
lives in dead stones,
lives in dead books,
lives in dead hearts and is
found in the stagnant.
Your god exists and is
only found in the turmoil inside to taint the movement outside.

My god is everything that
I understand,
Everything I don’t understand,
Everything I can see in myself even if rarely,
Everything that I can see in others even if occasionally,
Everything I seek in the living,
Lives in the alive,
Lives in a living heart and mind and is
found in the moving.
My god doesn’t exist and is
only found when inner movement stops to reveal the movement outside.

Your god is dead by existing.

My god is alive by living.

Part-II, Cornerstone.

This is a continuation of the previous blog where the self is established. Now the question arises that why does this kind of ‘self’ arise?

What will make us humans then? What differentiates us from animals?

Not stronger ties, not more hoarding or permanent hoarding but being able to see that we have an animal tendency to hoard. This is where awareness comes into the picture. Humans are the only species that is capable of self-awareness. We are capable of seeing our base tendencies play out. This is what differentiates us from animals. Not becoming better animals by adding complexities to those tendencies but by being able to see that we are adding complexities to our base instincts. Continue reading

Bipolar life

One frequently hears statements like, ‘Personal and professional life or I am professionally doing well but my personal life is not going well and vice versa’. In my opinion, all of us are suffering from this illness, not just those who are clinically diagnosed with this disorder.

Since when did life get divided into categories? We breathe the same, eat the same, think the same way, feel the same way, everything about us is the same then why have we created the different kinds of ourselves for categories. We don’t respond in a split manner. We act on the whole.
All of us live bipolar lives and then moan about how one is going off and talk about separate improvements in those divisions. It is absurd. Continue reading

Nothing is as it seems – Memory

                                                                 What is memory?
Memory is both our ability of remembering and the event we remember from the past. Many questions come to my mind when I think about memory. What becomes a memory? How an event becomes a memory ? How do we recall our memories? and many more. My interest presently is only in what becomes a memory and how memories are remembered? I am neither technically capable nor well-read to delve into how a memory is created. Continue reading

Credere Meus-VI

  1. Health-
    • Increase in group-ism leads to a degradation of health. Group-ism could be the concept of family, groups based on some ideology etc. The solution isn’t to have a bigger family or an extended one but to form interconnected communes(not communities) where everyone is freely interacting with everyone else and individuals of all kinds are included. Only then is mental, emotional and physical health of all individuals maintained.
    • Exclusion of any kind, whether in experiences, thoughts (internal) or from certain people or groups (external), leads to decline in health. The more rigid our ideas are towards people, experiences, interactions etc, the more unhealthy we become.
    • Continue reading

Glimpses of Happiness-II (also Credere Meus -IV)

I guess I have to reword from happiness to contentment. Happiness cannot be achieved. Contentment can be. Happiness is one extreme of a sinusoidal wave of our state. Contentment is a state that can be attained behind all that continuous crest and trough. Hence it is not glimpses of happiness but glimpses of contentment-II.

  • When you are not strained even when situation around you is not according to your liking.
  • When you continue doing what you intend to do with surety and awareness even when people or situations around you are not supportive of it.
  • When you feel rested even in the most chaotic of states. That state is where you do not think but only observe everything around and are acutely aware of your surroundings and self. It seems as if you are suddenly wide awake. When an event doesn’t feel like a hazy memory but throbs with dynamism. Rare phenomenon and overwhelming.
  • And, when your state of rest is not dependent on anyone else but is self-achieved and self-sustained.


Being a cripple is not about being physically disabled but about being afraid. One might be physically, mentally and emotionally able but will become a cripple if there is fear. Fear of any kind, for anything and from anything or anyone is the biggest disability. Fear of not being traditionally successful, fear of not being loved, fear of being hated, fear of not being included in the social circles, fear of insecure future, fear of not having money, fear of not marrying at the right age, will cripple a person. The person being harmed because of fear is himself/herself and no one else. Fear of not being oneself, fear of not being able to find about who one is, fear of not being ideal, fear of being rejected, fear of being scolded, fear of taking responsibility for actions of self, fear of leaving everything behind, fear of getting attached, fear of letting go of attachment, fear of anything makes one so immersed in fear that one forgets to live, see, feel , think, take action etc. One becomes inhuman because of fear.
Fearlessness is what distinguishes a human from an animal. Ability to be fearless is what makes a person, human. The first step towards becoming fearless is to have courage to overcome existing fears.

Am I afraid? Yes.
Hence, am I crippled? Yes.
Thus, am I becoming less human? Yes.

Are you afraid? …….
Hence, are you crippled? ….
Thus, are you becoming less human? ….