I create a home, everyday

This print is perfect!
Do you remember, this was purchased from that place?
Livens the mood with beautiful shades; this vase will go beautifully
near the fireplace.

This is a beautiful painting!
Who wrote that poem?
This rug ties the room together.
Isn’t the pattern unique? Yes, it’s Samoan.

You have such a beautiful house!
You have a great aesthetic sense!
You keep a clean house!
I have a lot of help, in my defence.

It’s a museum, full of memories.
A memoir of visits, relics of those days.
Emotionally valuable, beautiful days.
Movements of my thoughts, display of their ways.

A studio would be better.
I would rather create; a minimized collection.
Only a display of my tools, my space.
my finished works; ideas in motion.

Experiences guiding those tools.
The process of creation guides an incident.
Entirely new, new to me.
Why cerebration, what sentiment?

This is the home I wish to create.
No place for collections of the past.
Present in present will be a present,
No hope, no regret; each day recast.

What we are

It takes a remarkable depth of
effort to recognise effort;
beauty to find beauty;
pain to see pain;
genius to perceive genius;
humility to see humility.

It takes a profound breadth of
ugliness to find ugly;
shallow to meet shallow;
pettiness to behave pettily;
hatred to spread hate;
pride to see pride.

It takes an abundance of
anything to see it in others;
To have it within us
to find it in others;
To see in others
is to see in us.

We need to have it in self
to see it in others;
that malice, that violence,
that brilliance, that piety.
What we are is what we see
in ourselves, in others.


Is there anything more beautiful
than form devoid of form?
What twists, turns, bends,
to objects short and long.
Is that a hurdle,
Is that a gain,
is what a rock might say.
To formless it means nothing
anything more than a way.
It gurgles, bubbles, lashes,
trickles, swaying away.
From one sight it comes to you,
From other it goes away.

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