Nothing is as it seems – Memory

                                                                 What is memory?
Memory is both our ability of remembering and the event we remember from the past. Many questions come to my mind when I think about memory. What becomes a memory? How an event becomes a memory ? How do we recall our memories? and many more. My interest presently is only in what becomes a memory and how memories are remembered? I am neither technically capable nor well-read to delve into how a memory is created. Continue reading

Credere Meus-VI

  1. Health-
    • Increase in group-ism leads to a degradation of health. Group-ism could be the concept of family, groups based on some ideology etc. The solution isn’t to have a bigger family or an extended one but to form interconnected communes(not communities) where everyone is freely interacting with everyone else and individuals of all kinds are included. Only then is mental, emotional and physical health of all individuals maintained.
    • Exclusion of any kind, whether in experiences, thoughts (internal) or from certain people or groups (external), leads to decline in health. The more rigid our ideas are towards people, experiences, interactions etc, the more unhealthy we become.
    • Continue reading