Arrayed disorder

Buzzing and wiggling in the calm,
Nothing coming to a rest.
Chaos reigns the present.
Movement is riotous; replete with

There is no direction,
Growth is nonlineal, non-linear.
Inherent primal genius born.
Created has an order, with afterbirth in

Chaos breeds creation
Order pushes created
Evolving within chaos; expanding with order
Creation pushing created; Chaos and order

Am I a judgement?

Thought, and judgement.
Thought or judgement?

Judgement, and thought.
Judgement or thought?
Judgement is thought?
Thought is judgement?

Thinking is judging?
Act of thought is an act of judgement?
I think therefore am I?
Am I because I think?

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Chains (v2)

A chain is a chain whether it is golden or plain.
A chain is a chain whether something is inferior or a step ahead.
A chain is a chain whether wealth is magnificent or contained.
A chain is a chain whether one is not a kin or cognate.
A chain is a chain whether material is silk or plain.
A chain is a chain whether you indulge or abstain.
A chain is a chain whether you use your heart or brain.
A chain is a chain whether one is relative or certain.
A chain is a chain whether one is in loss or gain.
A chain is a chain whether you drink juice or champaigne.
A chain is a chain whether one is happy or in pain.
A chain is a chain whether compromises are temporary or sustained,
A chain is a chain whether it is useful or in vain.
A chain is a chain whether one is a sir or a madame.
A chain is a chain whether ideas are original or tamed.
A chain is a chain whether reputation is clean or stained.
A chain is a chain whether it is external or intimate.
A chain is a chain whether one is modest or vain,
A chain is a chain whether one is in pleasure or pain,
A chain is a chain whether imagined or real,
A chain is a chain whether one is sober or insane.
Humans are not meant to live with chains,
whether golden or plain,
whether loosened or strained.

Credere Meus-V

  1. Nothing is permanent. Ideals, beliefs, people, values, morals and ethics are a function of time, situation and perspective. Rather everything is a function of one’s response to those.
  2. Nothing and nobody can be owned. Illusion of owning non-living entities only leads to those entities owning you. And living beings cannot be owned for they are an independent creation with a conscience of their own.
  3. There are no rights and wrongs. There is only awareness or lack of it.
  4. One cannot seek contentment, peace and happiness from someone else.
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Nothing is as it seems- Time

In this article I will try to look into relation between perception of time and activity done.

For most part, we feel like time has flown away without realising that it was passing by. For example whenever parents think about how quickly their kids have grown up, they start recollecting incidents from their kid’s childhood. One will rarely see parents recounting incidents from their kids when they had grown up or after a certain age where daily life becomes steady. Similarly if I remember my years spent, I recollect few incidents from my undergraduate and graduate days, most parts of my treks, some random incidents from day to day life and very few childhood incidents. Rest of my memory is hazy and lost and I remember it as collective years . What is happening here? How is a steady activity not clearly remembered or is remembered in bulk whereas certain incidents are very clear in our mind and we seek continuous pleasure from them and rather hold them so dear that we are almost afraid to lose them? What does this fashion term, “making memories” mean? Why is everyone trying to make memories?
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What is identity?

Identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. It is about recognising ourselves with something other than ourselves. This tells us something crucial about the nature of a person. We need an identity to gauge our value and importance in our own eyes and in the eyes of the others. If you see synonyms of the word identity they are self, individuality, ego, personality, character, similarity, sameness, oneness and you get the idea.
Identity can hold a certain meaning for an individual and a different meaning from the perspective of a group. From an individual’s standpoint it gives a person a certain sense of belonging, security and stability in an otherwise unknown world and unpredictable life. Almost everything from civilizations, cultures, institutions, cult following, fan following, religion, family name, society is to give one an identity with which he/she identifies themselves or others can identify them as. Identities are important to help a person bond with others so that his/her understanding and experience of the world becomes relatively easy and comprehensible. Identities provide a tried and tested map for navigation in journey of life. But are identities always helpful or is this safety backfiring on us by not allowing us to become exploratory and have open minds in the truest sense? Continue reading