
The skies are not afraid
when birds soar high.
When sun spreads yellow,
when clouds cry,
the sky remains mundane,
prosaic and dry.

Sky has never demurred
of the birds puttering around.
Never once complained
of the elements
spotting it’s vastness,
drawing patterns across.
Sky never screams in agony
when the thunder rips it apart,
It remains unambigious
letting the cloud do it’s part.

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My beautiful mansion

I build mansion in the air.
Thoughts like the wind.
Swaying my hopes, the sands, the clouds,
Hoping for my weather patterns to take care
of the blueprints and wherewithal.

My incremental actions,
create gardens around the mansion.
Manicured gardens, natural landscape.
The winds spread the seeds,
in the fertile lands.
What grows, trees and weeds.

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Antinomy: Irony of Words

Surrounded by words, people as words
Ideas as words, actions as words
Nothing to feel, only words.
Only talk, only babble.

Sadness in words
Happiness in words
Twisting, modifying
Aggrandizing, astonishing
Complicating, simplifying.
All words, all talk.

Hope as words,
Despair as words,
Nothing is felt,
Nothing is experienced,
Only words.

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Am I a judgement?

Thought, and judgement.
Thought or judgement?

Judgement, and thought.
Judgement or thought?
Judgement is thought?
Thought is judgement?

Thinking is judging?
Act of thought is an act of judgement?
I think therefore am I?
Am I because I think?

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Looking at a flame in a closed space,
Running the fan at the lowest pace,
Flame is stable, flame is flickering,
It sometimes dances, mind is bickering.
Dancing flame looks appealing
Yellow, bright, swaying, pleasing.

Room flickers with the flame,
I only see what the flame shows,
Room looks unclear, many shadows,
Brightness is uneven, room looks narrow.

Flame occasionally settles,
It is no more just yellow.
Dark brown at the center, yellow surrounds it,
blue covers it with a clear glow.
Room no more sways,
It is visible with greater clarity,
Shadows still remain,
only limited to areas not lit by the flame.

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Is there anything more beautiful
than form devoid of form?
What twists, turns, bends,
to objects short and long.
Is that a hurdle,
Is that a gain,
is what a rock might say.
To formless it means nothing
anything more than a way.
It gurgles, bubbles, lashes,
trickles, swaying away.
From one sight it comes to you,
From other it goes away.

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There was once a man who wanted to be great,
great in the eyes of others, great in his own eyes.

So august, so unlimited, that he fixed everyone else around him.
Bound them to himself, bound them with himself.

He applied his ideas upon them, enforced his thoughts upon them,
He imposed his experience upon them, imposed his greatness upon them.

Advised them to be like him, advised them to do his bidding,
Tutored them about the ways of the world, counseled them to act like him.

He morphed himself into a figure of his own belief,
In an expectation of excellence which he knew only in his limitations.

He molded others around him in his limits,
Devoid others of their own infinite, devoid himself of his own infinite.

He finally became great, a restricted greatness it was,
surrounded by boundaries of his own imposition,

His power was fragile, brittle, and weak,
his power felt powerless, with many, at many times.
He still didn’t feel immense despite such control,
such greatness he had, such power he would yield.

He wondered what could have gone wrong, he wondered what he didn’t manage.
That’s when it occurred to him, that he was fiercely controlled.

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Life longs to live

Think very carefully….
There is a habit,
genetic as it is,
but a habit
of waking up each day.

If you had to choose to wake up,
would you want to?
If it was a decision to be made,
would you make that each day?

Throw out all your existing ideas.
Ideals, ideas, rights, wrongs,
presumptions, baselines.
What, Why, How.
What you have, what you want.
what you love, what you dislike.
What you have achieved, what you have not.
Your wishes, your hopes,
Your expectations.
Forget it all.
And think.
Think very hard till everything in you
gives up.

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